TU HIJO AL EXTRANJERO has emerged as an exciting project after a process of more than five years of dedication in my spare time to issues related to international education, what I would call excellence in education.
As an international student from a young age, combining the long school summers with language and sports courses in Ireland, the UK and Germany, I finally completed my university education through the Erasmus Programme at the Business School of Mainz in Germany.
I have always been very interested in all subjects related to language skills, the different educational systems in each country and the pros and cons of each of them.
I find it equally fascinating how, from an early age, children learn, almost without realising it, to speak and interact in another language if the conditions are right and an enabling environment is created in which learning another language is a matter of play and daily routines and not just traditional classroom-based teaching.
Traveling, living and studying in other countries have meant for me a real hands-on learning experience both inside and outside the classroom. When you study and live in another country, you have to use the language in all aspects of everyday life, being immersed in the culture of the country where the educational Programme takes place. This experience helps you to know how to live with different people (tolerance), to learn to be independent (autonomy), to mature and make your own decisions for yourself (maturity).
All this knowledge has helped me to provide my children with an international academic education. My experience in organizing those academic Programmes outside Spain that best suit each one of them, as well as in the search for the best courses and summer camps in different destinations, has made me realize what sets one program apart from another and makes it exceptional for a certain type of child. I have also learned from many mistakes I have made in the choice of certain schools and companies that I do not want other parents to make.
There can be little doubt that there are many Programmes through which your child can study for a term or a full academic year or participate in a summer programme abroad, but a mistake in choosing the right school, summer programmes or family, that being the case, can cause the economic and personal effort of both the student and his or her family to be useless.
The path that I have already run through the last years has made that many friends have commissioned me the search for schools for their children’s studies abroad as well as the selection of summer programmes outside Spain for their children to improve the knowledge of one or several languages, as well as their personal development.
On the other hand, my frequent trips to visit my children when they are studying outside Spain make me realize that our language, Spanish, is becoming more and more important in the world and that more and more students from other countries are starting to choose Spanish as an extracurricular subject in their schools. Therefore, TUHIJO AL EXTRANJERO also offers parents of students from other countries the possibility of having their children take a school year or a shorter academic period, as well as summer programmes to improve their level of Spanish in our country.
Marga López-Galiacho